Stepping out without leaving home
Training that comes to YOU!
For many people in church leadership and ministry it is just not practical to take a year or more to study full-time at Bible college. But they want to be better equipped to serve God and to have a stronger grip on his word and ways.
This year, in association with our partners in Enable – a training network for independent churches and in conjunction with Tilsley College, we are running a pilot mentored training scheme for church leaders and church workers. It will be based around the Joshua course, delivered over the internet from Tilsley College, the Learning to Lead blended online course, supported by a mentor and supplemented by some 24-hour residential sessions (Friday evening/Saturday). A core curriculum of applied biblical and theological studies will be delivered within the ethos of independent evangelical churches such as those in Partnership.
We have in mind the needs of church leaders (or those who have been identified as future leaders) as well people in Christian work, whether working with a church or with an agency serving local churches. Any worthwhile training course will need the investment of time and a commitment to personal study, and that is much more sustainable if you are not studying on your own. It is much more accessible if it can be done largely from home, and draws on locally available mentored input.
More information is available here.
If you would like to consider taking part in this pilot course, please contact us with a little information about yourself and your work or leadership responsibilities. If you include a phone number, we can have an early conversation as to how this can work around your existing ministry responsibilities.
Alistair Hornal
Mark Davies
Masterclass is designed for anyone in a local church who has responsibility for discipling others and developing their gifts – or who can see the need for more effective based training.
Masterclass always centres on Jesus’ teaching. Each Saturday morning programme is made up of two plenary teaching sessions plus a choice of small group seminar discussions. Every Masterclass stands alone and can be taken in any order. The programme is flexible and can be adapted to local needs. As well as learning through Bible study together, Masterclass provides an opportunity to meet and network with people from churches near you who share the same passion to follow Jesus Christ and make him known to others.
Masterclass 1
Jesus’ Teaching on the Church
Partnership would be delighted to bring a Masterclass to your area.
If you would like to host a Masterclass please contact your Regional Co-ordinator, or email for more information.
Tilsley College has a unique contribution to make in the spectrum of theological education in the UK. Tilsley’s Certificate and Diploma in Higher Education in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry offer a breadth of knowledge and hands-on experience which makes them an excellent preparation for further theological training or as a valuable bridge into full time Christian ministry.
Joshua and Joshua Online
What Is Joshua?
Joshua provides quality, college education within the context of the local church. In light of the need for well-trained servants of the Gospel, Joshua aims better to equip men and women for church leadership, preaching and teaching, providing pastoral care, and evangelism. The programme is aimed at people in employment by offering them a realistic opportunity to remain in their careers while developing necessary skills for church growth.
What Is Joshua online?
Joshua Online is an adaptation of the full Joshua programme which has 22 taught sessions each lasting 2 hours over nine months. Over the last few years these sessions have been delivered at Tilsley College in Motherwell, and in other Joshua Centres around the UK.
Joshua Online offers the opportunity to follow Joshua, without having to set up a full Joshua Centre. Small groups and individuals are able to follow lectures online via a webcast of Joshua at Tilsley College.
More information at the Tilsley College website
For more information download the brochure here