Local churches can greatly benefit from objective, impartial and sympathetic outside advice, which is informed by knowledge and experience of local church life and needs.  This help can be valuable
  • when churches and leaderships have specific difficulties which they feel that they cannot resolve on their own
  • in more positive circumstances, when churches want an objective view of their strengths, weaknesses and strategic opportunities.
Even the best and biggest churches can find outside help profitable. Seeking it is not a sign of weakness or inability to cope.
  • Would you find it helpful to have outside help in thinking through issues with which you are grappling?
  • Do you find yourself needing outside pastoral support?
Partnership may well be able to offer you help. Here are some suggestions – click on the links below for more information:

Partnership has a team of experienced church leaders who can advise churches and their leaderships, and assist individuals. Some have nationally-known ministries. Others have long years of grappling with the problems of leading a particular congregation from day-to-day. The consultancy service is accessed through Alistair Hornal. He can help identify the consultant who would be best placed to deal with your particular case.

Do you need advice on matters relating to trusts, constitutions, charity status, or governance? Partnership has an advice service. Contact Neil Summerton

Papers giving advice on trust matters, particularly relevant to the circumstances of Partnership churches are available:

Current issues for trustees (May 2018)

Bringing trust and trusteeship arrangements up to date (December 2008, pending revision)

Religious charities, public benefit and related matters (April 2009, withdrawn for revision)

CIOs for church charities: a joint Church Growth Trust, Stewardship and Partnership Briefing Paper  (March 2013)

When applying to establish a Charity, some churches with an Open Brethren background have encountered difficulties with the Charity Commission in relation to potential confusion with the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church.  We have produced a joint paper with Church Growth Trust to help churches to clearly indentify themselves and avoid this potential confusion:

The ‘Brethren Movement – a briefing paper

For property related matters we reccommend that you contact our sister organisation, Church Growth Trust, who have s trusted and proven track record for supporting in this area of expertise.

For safeguarding matters you can contact Thirtyone:eight, formerly CCPAS, who are experts in this area and only too happy to assist.


If you need help, on any matter of church life,  you can contact Partnership for advice, or for suggestions of other agencies who may better meet particular needs. Email info@partnershipuk.org and we will respond to you.  Be sure to leave your telephone numbr if you wish us to contact you this way.

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